A Note to My Clients

YOU are the expert on your own life—the CEO of your well-being.  You are powerful and insightful.

Your experience matters—you deserve to be heard and respected.  When it comes to your health, you get to identify what resonates with you and construct the team that best supports your well-being.  Your practices and your team will change over time as your journey progresses.  Each person’s journey is unique— let go of all comparisons.

If you value your time, one of the best investments you’ll make is in yourself.  Self-care increases your energy and awareness, enhancing your ability to use your time effectively.  Self-care is also likely to increase your health-span and lifespan, thus maximizing the time available to you.

Imagine your life in 5 to 10 years from now…

  • What do you want your life to look like?
  • How do you want to feel?
  • What do you want to be doing?
  • Who do you want to be there for?
  • What will your life look like if you don’t make any changes?  What if you do?

While making positive change can be hard, the trajectory of your life without healthy foundations may be harder.  The ultimate goal isn’t health; it’s what you want to do with it.  To make lasting changes in your life, you must know and pursue what you genuinely want.  Then self-care becomes your ally toward achieving your vision.  You avoid burnout when you create meaningful practices that you enjoy and look forward to.  These practices communicate to your mind and body that you are valuable, safe, and loved.

Life can be overwhelming at times, but you don’t have to do it alone.  Our strength lies in our ability to unite.  You don’t need to pretend or hide—we all have room to grow and areas where we need support.  We all need a safe place to replenish, heal, and grow.  It’s in these spaces that we gain clarity about what’s most important to us.  When we recognize what we truly want, the clutter falls away and the next step comes into view.  Peace and vitality are the natural result of living in alignment with our vision.

I am here to help you identify what you want and move in that direction.   My mission is to help you achieve alignment between your daily life, your values, and your health vision.  As a registered nurse, mother, cancer survivor, and a Duke-trained Integrative Health Coach, my background lends to changing behavior to drive personal growth.  I guide my clients through their own transformation process, helping them find the motivation, tools, and confidence to overcome obstacles.  I honor each client’s specific needs and preferences, ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.  I am rooting for you, and I believe in your ability to change, heal, and grow.  YOU are a healer.  Despite life’s obstacles, there is so much you can do to feel good and live fully.  Let’s unite toward greater clarity and vitality!

I look forward to working with you!


Instead of focusing on what you want now, focus on what you want most.

“Self-care is not about adding another thing to your to-do list; it’s a way that you ground yourself so that you can be here and feel good. That’s how you stay out of the burnout trap altogether ... Relish in your rituals.”
Robyn Downs
Founder of Real Food Whole Life